Monday 21 September 2009

Semi-Sweet Bread Rolls (sorelle Simili recipe) - Panini Semidolci delle sorelle Simili

I’m back. Summer is almost over, so I decided that I should treat myself and my friends with these semi-sweet mini rolls from heaven. First of all, you need to know that you cannot go wrong with Simili Sisters recipes - if you want to know who they are, please have look here:
These mini rolls are great to serve with salami, ham, cheese.. anything you like, even chocolate!
I worked the dough by hand (a real workout!) as suggested by the two sisters, but it was definitely worth it.


  • Plain Flour, 1Kg (my mix: 30% very strong flour and 70% Italian ’00’ flour)
  • Water, approx. 400g
  • Fresh Yeast, 40g
  • Butter, 150g
  • Lard, 50g
  • Salt, 15g
  • Sugar, 100g
  • Egg, 1 (for brushing)


In a jug, dissolve the fresh yeast in 150g of warm water.

Mix the yeast mixture with the rest of the ingredients: sugar, remaining water (250g), liquified butter and lard, flour and salt - remember to add the salt as the last ingredient. Turn the dough out onto a work surface and knead energically for at least 15-20 minutes.

When the dough is smooth and elastic, place it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until it doubles in volume (approximately one hour and a half, depending on room temperature).

Once the dough has risen, turn it out onto the work surface and cut into little balls, weighting approximately 35 grams each. Work each dough ball into a round shape (or the shape you prefer) and place onto a lightly greased baking tray. Brush with a beaten egg and leave in a warm place to rise for about an hour.

Brush the dough balls again with the beaten egg and sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds - or leave them plain. Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes in a preheated oven to 180ºC or until the top of the bread rolls is lightly golden.

Leave to cool on a wire rack.


  • Never mix directly salt and yeast, as salt inhibits yeast growth
  • The amount of water required may vary depending on flour type and humidity

Panini Semidolci delle Sorelle Simili

  • Farina, 1Kg (ho usato: 30% Manitoba e 70% ’00’)
  • Acqua, approx. 400g
  • Lievito Fresco, 40g
  • Burro, 150g
  • Strutto, 50g
  • Sale, 15g
  • Zucchero, 100g
  • 1 uovo (per spennellare i paini)


Sciogliere il lievito in 150g di acqua tiepida.

In una ciotola unire tutti gli ingredienti (lo zucchero, l’acqua rimanente 250g, il burro e lo strutto liquefatti, la farina ed il sale - il sale va aggiunto sempre come ultimo ingrediente).

Rovesciare sulla superficie di lavoro e lavorare molto energicamente per almeno 15-20 minuti. La Simili suggeriscono di ‘battere’ la pasta sulla superficie di lavoro diverse volte, in modo da renderla elastica.

Finito di lavorare la pasta, disporla in un contenitore capiente, coprire con pellicola trasparente e far lievitare fino al raddoppio (un’ora e mezza circa, a seconda della temperatura, stagione, etc.).

Trascorso questo tempo, rovesciare la pasta sul piano di lavoro e formare delle palline di pasta di circa 35 grammi ciascuna (ovviamente vi potete sbizzarrire con altre forme, tipo piccolo sfilatino, croissant, etc.). Spennellare con l’uovo sbattuto e mettere di nuovo a lievitare in un posto caldo e lontano da correnti per un’ora circa.

Finita la seconda lievitazione, mettere in forno a 180ºC per 10-12 minuti, o fino a che i panini iniziano a dorarsi. Devono risultare morbidi, e leggermente croccanti in superficie.

Siccome mi servivano per un buffet e avevo bisogno di prepararli anzitempo, appena freddi li ho congelati. Il giorno del buffet li ho scongelati a temperatura ambiente per un’oretta e reinfornati per 5-7 minuti. Sembravano appena fatti!